Rotary club of Surat Roundtown is one of the premium clubs of Rotary Dist. 3060. It got its charter on 8th September 1972. The club presently has 63 members. It regularly meets at Dilip Paresh Rotary Hall, Timliawad, Surat, every Tuesday 8 p.m.

Rotary is a world wide organization having more than 1.2 million members. It is spread in more than 200 countries. Rotary International has its headquarters in USA. It was founded by Paul Harris in 1905. The head of Rotary International is known as Rotary International President and the tenure of RI President is one year. Rotary year starts from 1st July of every year. The basic unit is a Rotary club. Many clubs form a district and is headed by district governor. Rotary club of Surat Roundtown is under district 3060.

The present head of our club is Dr.Bhavin Jariwala, an ophthalmic surgeon by profession and is ably assisted by his board members and office bearers.
Rotary is a NGO mainly focused on community service and vocational service. The thrust area of Rotary service are health and sanitation, nutrition, drinking water, immunization, maternal and child health and peace.

The most notable projects of Rotary is polio eradication where it has achieved 99 percent success and except for two countries, polio is eradicated.

The Rotary sponsors peace scholarship programme wherein, more than 200 students get their degrees after studying for 1 yr for diploma and 2 years for certificate course. This course is run in 6 prestigious universities of the world.

Some of the notable programmes of Rotary is international youth exchange, vocational training exchange and rotary friendship exchange. Rotary International has its own website www.rotary.org.

The Rotary funding is done through funding by its own members and by donations from public . The funding is managed by The Rotary Foundation (TRF) which has achieved distinction for its better management and transparency.